If you are like most parents you always struggle when it comes to birthday party planning. Most birthday parties include planning and preparing. It is a very stressful time for parents. Then Parents have to worry about whether or not invitees will show. No parent want to have the a party and no one show for their child’s party.
With Cost rising fewer and fewer people are attending birthday parties. It is hard enough to buy groceries and gas much less adding a present to your weekly budget. Parents struggle with making the right decision to have a party or not have a birthday party.
The Pandemic has only added to this stressful issue. Parents struggle with is it right to invite or not to invite. Is it safe to have people gathering together or not? There is also the struggle with business and booking them. Are they open? How many people can you invite? What are the rules? It is a complicated mess.

Tikiz Shaved Ice and Ice Cream makes it simple. Tikiz comes to you, no matter the location. Tikiz is fast and easy. Tikiz birthday and event packages can be customize for customer needs.
Tikiz can come to your home, or location of you choosing. If you want to have a small or large party at your home Tikiz can be there. If you are deciding to have an event away from your home such as a park. Tikiz can be there also. You may want to take your family out on the boat and have Tikiz meet you at the dock for a certain time. Tikiz can customize It packages to the customer needs.
Tikiz Shaved Ice and Ice Cream has shaved Ice and Ice cream on the menu. No matter if the customer is seeking shaved Ice or Ice Cream Tikiz has them both. Tikiz has a total of 8 different menu items outside of the shaved ice.

Tikiz Event Package
Prices Vary – Please contact your local Tikiz.Tikiz Birthday Party Package
Birthday Party Package Up to 25 Guests
· Birthday child receives a Tikiz T-shirt, a Hawaiian Flower Lei, and a Tikiz ‘Happy Birthday’ song played during the serving.
· All guests receive a Small Tikiz Shaved Ice or Ice Cream and a Hawaiian Flower Lei.
· Party Time: 30 minutes
· Additional guests can cost more
Tikiz Event Package #1
· Up to 50 Small Tikiz Shaved Ice or Ice Cream.
· Party Time: 30 minutes
Event Package #2
· Up to 100 Small Tikiz Shaved Ice or Ice Cream.
· Party Time: 45 minutesTikiz Event Package #3
· Up to 250 Small Tikiz Shaved Ice or Ice Cream.
· Party Time: 1 hour and 30 minutes
Event Package #4
· Up to 500 Small Tikiz Shaved Ice or Ice Cream.
· Party Time: 2 hour and 30 minutes
Bringing Sweets to the Streets
· Everyone loves Tikiz Shaved Ice & Ice Cream.
· The Tikiz Truck is vibrant and gets tons of attention.
· Self-Surv `Surv-Board` dispenses fat-free, fruit-flavored syrups.
· Sugar-free flavors available.
· Real custom surfboard signs with multiple water misters.
· Inviting tropical steel drum music.
· Orders processed quickly and efficiently.
· Equipped to serves groups of practically any size.
· 100% self-contained (no water or electric needed).
· Safe, clean and inspected vehicle.
· Fully licensed and insured.
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