Easy Low Cost Business Under $150,000

So I recently typed in, Easy Low Cost Business Under $150,000. I wanted to see what was comparative to our Tikiz Shaved Ice and Ice Cream Business. I ended up on a site called Franchise Gator. Franchise Gator is a site for consumers looking to purchase a franchsie.

Tikiz Franchising
Tikiz Franchising

As a waring I did not do tons of research so this information is solely speculative. However, I simply applied two simple questions to almost every business opportunity i saw.


  1. What would potential revenues be as compared to Tikiz Shaved Ice and Ice Cream in 1 hour of work?
  2. Does this the business mobile and allow the franchisee to work a custom work schedule?

I used these two questions because these two were the main reason I choose Tikiz Shaved Ice and Ice Cream as my franchise of choice. When I was seeking a Franchise or business to open, I was looking to get out of the cooperate grind but still be able to maintain my standard of living.

I use to work in the car industry. We ran an operated a multi franchise, multi location automobile network. Between all the location we had 300 employees. It was a great business, it was a nightmare of a buisiness. The biggest negative was the time you spent working. The average work week was 60 hours. Very few weekends off and always on your phone taking calls even after work was over.

Quality of life was a big reason for choice to move into the Tikiz Shaved Ice and Ice Cream business. Tikiz gives the franchisee the freedom to work when they want to work. However, you can serve 700 customers in an hour. Being able to serve that many people in one hour was the second reason I chose Tikiz Shaved Ice and Ice Cream.

I know if I could serve 700 people per hour and the average sale was going to be $4.00 that is more than any doctor or attorney I knew at the time would make in an hour. We all know doctors and especially attorney’s are the kings of getting paid by the hour.

Once I knew Tikiz could provide me the flexibility of schedule and the speed to make big revenue in short windows. I just had to fill my calendar with events. I knew Tikiz was right for me because I love the hustle. I know how to grind.

With all that being said I put together a chart of some of the business I found on Franchise Gator. Again this is just me asking those basic questions. Keep in mind how a Tikiz Truck operates. It only requires 1 employee to serve 700 customers in 1 hour.

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