Kona Ice Has a Dirty Secret

Kona Ice is hiding something they do not want you to know.  They are afraid it could be the end of their business.  

Kona Ice started during the financial crisis in 2008.  From 2008 to 2012 they grew to several hundred franchises across the country.  That much growth in such a short period caused issues.

Kona Ice has sued many people over the years.  They have sued many individuals and companies.  They have sued people on the basis that they own a patent for the Flavor Station.  

Founder Tony Lamb has said openly and on video that no one will have the technology they have developed.  They Have Developed are the key words.

Doing a simple google search will pull up a lawsuit against Kona Ice. 

 Here is a link to the document.  https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.utd.109629/gov.uscourts.utd.109629.2.0.pdf

It is a long read but in summary it basically says Kona Ice does not own the patent which they have sued many people for.  Basically suing people wrongly for property that they stole from Snowie.  

The lawsuit was voluntarily dismissed.  There was a settlement reached.  I find this interesting.  If Tony Lamb was selling a design Kona developed, why would Kona settle this lawsuit?  

The real issue is that Kona Ice claims that they are helping people by fundraising for organizations.  How can you in one instance steal a patent, sue people, then claim to be a good corporate citizen.  

It seems the actions of Kona Ice do not line up with the corporate messaging of Kona Ice.  In a world of don’t bully.  Kona Ice with its 20 plus lawsuits seems to be the ultimate bully.  Yet schools all over America let this corporate bully in with a smile.

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